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Hello May + Welcome back, Mye!


Well, hello!

It feels like I’ve not been here in a looooong time (thus, welcome back to me!). I surely did miss writing and sharing more with you all.  It’s a new month and unbelievably the 5th month of the year already. Time sure flies fast isn’t it? In reality, I’ve been here one way or another updating my handlettering project or pattern play but I wasn’t here to write – not at all. I’ll plop a photo of my recent work and I call it done! If you can call that writing, then i’ll rest my case.

Over the last couple of months that I am not actively blogging, I received a few questions in my contact form and I want to answer them all in this post as it won’t be enough to answer them in social media. Here are some of them:

Why did Mye took her blog for granted?

Ouch! It did hit a nerve but thanks for the honest words, much needed and appreciated. I have always been very honest to my readers. I share our story, our blessings as well as our challenges. But over the last couple of months, I stayed very quiet. We were adjusting on everything – having a special needs child took away a lot of my design time and I have no idea how much more I can insert blogging. Heck, I am not even regularly sending email and exclusives to my subscribers (i am truly sorry!). It took my husband and I months, weighing the pros and cons of hiring someone who can take care of Alphonse and help us around the house.  Finally, we decided that it is for the better and we are thankful that we were able to get someone reliable, trustworthy and most of all, someone whom Alphonse will like – take note, he’s not an ordinary kid. When he doesn’t like someone, he means it.

Where was Mye these last couple of months?

I haven’t done a lot of designs since early this year. I even decided to stop my monthly I Collect Memories series for the reason I stated above. It’s no longer something I can do and it will be unfair to the scrappers if I’ll do a half-assed job just to get things done. I personally don’t design like that. My creations connect me to a lot of families and I make memory keeping products that they will want to use and be proud of it. That’s why I pay a lot of attention to what I create and I make every effort to improve my skills time and again.

Last year, while I’m trying to recover from depression, I had a few plans on where I want to take my career and one of of them is to slowly stay away from digital scrapbooking. I want to escape from all that has happened. I want to take my mind away from the world and focus on me. Then, one day – I got an offer to guest at Snap Click Supply Co. I can’t believe how I reacted while I was reading my email. It was the opposite of what I had planned to do! I was suddenly all giddy and excited and inspired and I got the motivation I needed! I felt alive again.

Before getting onboard SCSC, I had another major goal – improve my art. So before I opened my new shop, I closed my personal shop and with all the money I made during my closing sale, I took a leap of faith and enrolled myself in Make Art That Sells by Lilla Rogers. It was the biggest and most expensive investment I have ever made in my career. I am serious about my business and I know that I have to take it to next level. I will tell you more about it in another post. The class began and I learned a lot from designing home decors, bolt fabric, wall art and a lot more. While doing the class, I’m still working at SCSC and I became a regular. I was back to digital scrapbooking and I’m thrilled about it! Having been lined up along with those famous names on the site is something I never imagined I can achieve. And then, I completed MATS A and I’m preparing for Bootcamp. Yay! I’m officially a MATS graduate!

On the sidelines, I introduced you to a brand new project that I’ve been wanting to do for a while – handlettering. While I’ve been doing this since I was gradeschool, I am no pro at it. I’ve not had any formal handlettering classes (aside from what we had done back in highschool) so I want to get better at it. I decided to make it my project this year and do a piece a day and share it in here and Instagram. To date, I am on my Day 117/365. I made progress and I’m so proud of myself!

So, how in the world did I do it all if I don’t have enough time?

I don’t.

Taking MATS – I learned how to manage my time better. I learn to prioritize better. I learned to accept that I can’t do it all. Something’s got to give.

I don’t clean the house often.

I released products less than I usually do.

I sketch and handletter when Alphonse is napping (he doesn’t want to be left alone so I had to stay with him until he wakes up, usually about 3 hours). This is my most productive time so instead of napping with him, I work. I do my MATS assignment. I do all the things I can squeeze in while I’m away from the computer. And at night, after everyone is in bed, I’ll work on the computer. Usually until 1Am and I had to get up by 5AM to prep the girls for school.

I had pimple breakout due to lack of sleep (ugh, it’s ugly!) and sometimes, I even forget to take a shower (yuck!)

It happened because I want to make things happen.

Still, it wasn’t enough. I need rest to be able to care for my family. I can’t be sick.


What are Mye’s plans for the future?

Thankfully, we now have Sarah – she’s Alphonse’s caregiver and she helps us around the house. She’s been with us for 2 weeks and I thought, this is the perfect time to make a come back. So, during her first week with us, I did 2 full collections which were released on the 3rd and 4th week of April and I was able to get down to planning. No big plans yet. For now, I just want to stay on top of things. Take it one step at a time until such time when I’m ready to make BIG goals.

For this month, I made sure my goals are S.M.A.R.T. (thank you for teaching me that, Accenture!). I also decided to get back into shape (physically) and get back to clean eating. I’m terrible at goal setting. But, I am CHANGING. I want to put it out here so I’ll be more accountable and I WILL DO IT.

You be my witness.

What can I expect from Mye this time?

Well, for starters, please expect better scrapbooking products in the shop! I may have changed my style, lessen the packages I’m releasing but I guarantee you that I’ve put all my heart into my collections so you can happily document your memories. If you are waiting for the I Collect Memories – I am so sorry but I have decided to stop it for now.

There will be more things coming that will be all FOR YOU! Yes, you read it right – FOR YOU!

How often will you blog this time? Will there be posts about learning handlettering and drawing?

I have put a schedule in place for the entire month and you can expect to read a blog post everyday – at 6AM EST except on Sundays.

I know there were some requests about handlettering and drawing and patterns. I want to answer them all but I don’t want to bore you with a lot of stuffs going on in one post so I’ll have separate posts for that. The short answer is – Yes.

Aaaaand with that, I want to end this post by saying, Thank you!

Thank you for being patient with me.

Thank you for being loyal.

Thank you for understanding.

Thank you for all the love.

And above all, thank you for spending your time reading my blog.

xo – Mye.



Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Online Business Bundle: Grab 7 of my best business courses for only $7 to help you get started online.

2. Low-Ticket Genius: Turn your skills, knowledge, ideas and existing resources into ready-to-sell digital products in 24 hours or less.

3. Digital Product Accelerator: Take your digital product business to new heights. This Group Mentoring aims to provide you with customized support and training to help you grow and scale your business without having to work more hours. DM me on Instagram or Facebook and I'll send you a private invite.

comments +

  1. Paige says:

    You know, being a mom is a full time job and when you add other things to the mix, it can get overwhelming. One bite at a time and baby steps help me get through. I’ve just recently become acquainted with your fantastic work and have loved the hand lettering posts. A recent post that said “Get S(tuff) Done” was by far my favorite. I need a copy of that! LOL You are doing great and I applaud your honesty and dedication to your fans. Be encouraged!

    • Mye says:

      Thank you for your kind words Paige. I truly appreciate that. As for the recent post (LOL) – i’ll see what i can do. 🙂 xo -Mye

  2. […] post is a bit of a continuation of yesterday’s post about my personal and business goals. From the beginning of my designing days, I have looked up to some good names in the industry and […]

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I'm Mye De Leon

I'm a mom with a desire to give the best for her family and turned a lettering hobby into a multi6-figure business. These days, I eat strategy for breakfast and turn other businesses into successful empires.

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