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3 Lessons Learned From $120,000+ Digital Course Launch

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When I started blogging in 2007, I never thought I’d make a lot of money.

Making six figures seemed impossible, something only people in rich countries could do. I watched my friends succeed online, while I just wished for the same.

Until a life-changing event happened.

When life throws you into loops, you’re left with no choice but to roll with the punches and do whatever it takes to survive.

So why did I not even do it in the first place?

I gave up before even starting. I told myself:

  • This isn’t for me
  • It’s impossible
  • It’s only for people from rich countries

I believed these thoughts.

But as soon as I put my head down and got to work, everything flowed smoothly. My creativity increased, I became more confident, and people started seeing my expertise.

In 2019, I finally got my first 6-figure income year.

This is why it’s important to START even before you’re ready.

Sadly, many people think too much about what to do instead of just doing it. If you’re one of the overthinkers, think about what you might be missing out on…

1. Confidence Comes From Action

Confidence isn’t a gift that magically falls from the sky. It’s something you snatch when you dive into action.

I used to question my abilities too, but once I started working, confidence followed like a loyal sidekick.

Here’s a breakdown of the steps I took to boost my confidence in the online business:

  • Reading Aloud and Listening to Audiobooks
    • I started reading books aloud and listening to audiobooks. This habit not only improved my grasp of diction, pronunciation, and vocabulary but also bolstered my speaking skills.
  • Showing Up on Instagram Stories
    • The first time I braved the camera on Instagram Stories was nerve-wracking, to say the least. But what I discovered was that people cared more about the content of my message than how I looked or sounded. It was liberating to realize that authenticity mattered most.
  • Daily Instagram Posts
    • In the beginning, I didn’t even know what I was doing. Nevertheless, I began sharing my daily creative routine, and to my surprise, people were genuinely interested.

2. Trust is Built Through Consistency

Nobody knew who I was in the beginning. I was a mom with a desire to make money online with no idea how she was going to do it.

But as I consistently delivered value and upheld my commitments, trust naturally followed. It was a gradual process that required dedication and reliability.

Here’s 2 years’ worth of consistent progress when I started my lettering business.

Over time, I got hired for bigger and more expensive projects. That eventually led to people asking if I could teach what I do which led me to teach a hand lettering course.

I earned my audience’s trust over time through consistent value, effort and message.

While most people would rush into selling, I suggest focusing on what you do best in the beginning.

Here’s why:

  • Build a Strong Foundation – When you concentrate on your strengths, you build a solid foundation for your business. This foundation becomes the bedrock for your success.
  • Establish Credibility – By excelling in your niche, you establish yourself as an expert. People trust experts and are more likely to seek your products or services.
  • Grow Authentically – Focusing on what you do best allows you to grow authentically. You’ll attract like-minded individuals who genuinely appreciate your expertise, fostering a loyal and engaged audience.

3. Opportunity is for the Willing

One of the most profound realizations was that opportunities are not limited to a select few.

They are available to anyone who is willing to seize them.

In the beginning, I believed that success was only for those in privileged circumstances.

However, my journey showed me that opportunity is abundant, and it’s up to individuals to embrace it with determination.

If I hadn’t proved it myself, I probably wouldn’t have believed it too but here I am in front of you—proof that whatever you put your mind into can be yours.

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Online Business Bundle: Grab 7 of my best business courses for only $7 to help you get started online.

2. Low-Ticket Genius: Turn your skills, knowledge, ideas and existing resources into ready-to-sell digital products in 24 hours or less.

3. Digital Product Accelerator: Take your digital product business to new heights. This Group Mentoring aims to provide you with customized support and training to help you grow and scale your business without having to work more hours. DM me on Instagram or Facebook and I'll send you a private invite.

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I'm Mye De Leon

I'm a mom with a desire to give the best for her family and turned a lettering hobby into a multi6-figure business. These days, I eat strategy for breakfast and turn other businesses into successful empires.

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I'm Mye


My business is to help your business generate more revenue so you can be who you want to be.