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And Just Like That, They Are Nine


Wow! I don’t know how I am going to start this post because tears have started coming out already.

These are my babies. And they’ve grown so fast.


These two can’t wait to meet mom already and had to be born prematurely at 31 weeks and stayed for a month at the NICU to gain weight. They were so tiny at 3.3 lbs and very very fragile. My family thought they won’t survive.


A year later we celebrated their first birthday and we were the happiest! They were so cute, so sweet and fun and so active that we had to get 2 nannies to take care of them because both my husband and I were working. I was not even a digital scrapbooker then.


Then, they started walking and running around like there is no tomorrow. They are not the easiest kids to deal with. They have mood swings, their behaviors are very erratic – unpredictable. But they are the most loving, sweetest and most thoughtful little girls I know.


Each year, they continue to keep us busy, happy and amazed. They surprise us in every way they can – from being the sweetest daughters to incredibly talented little girls. They learned to sing (in tune!) at the age of 4 although they can technically sing at age 3 and they draw pretty well!


We did not send them to school early. They did not go to toddler schools. They started Kindergarten 2 at age 5, after passing the entrace examination. We simply don’t want to pressure them when it comes to school. We want them to have fun studying – get good grades but we don’t expect them to be over-achievers.


They traveled to Singapore for the first time at age 6. To spend some time with dad who happened to get a new job in a foreign country.


Age 7, they permanently moved to Singapore, this country that they love so much for being clean, safe and most of all – where they can be free, to walk outside, play in the park and just be kids! Something they can’t do back home because I am too paranoid to let them out of the house.


And at 8, they became the big sisters of Alphonse. They started schooling in Singapore, met new friends, new teachers, new Language to study. They easily adapted to their new environment and they loved it.

I don’t know why but as I am writing this post, all the emotions came back to me and suddenly I missed my little girls.

This made me realize one thing – I’m glad I scrapbook. Because if not, I won’t be taking as much photos as I did. I would’ve let those little moments pass by without ever capturing them. I would’ve missed telling them the stories behind all those photos around the house. Because I scrapbook, they can just easily flip the pages and see our lives.

This is why I love my job.

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Low-Ticket Engine™Package your skills into a low-cost product, set up a sales funnel, and generate daily sales—no pitching, no cold outreach, no endless content Creation

2. Effortless Ads: How we turned a $200 Ad Budget into $4,000+ in sales in just 7 days and created a system that delivers 10-15 sales daily on autopilot. 

3. The Accelerator: Take your low-ticket business to the next level. DM me on Instagram or Facebook and I'll send you a private invite to our Group Mentoring Program.

comments +

  1. Heather T. says:

    Aw, a great post sweetie!! Happy birthday to your little girls!

  2. Didou says:

    Your little girls are so sweet ! Beautiful full of love family

  3. Jetje says:

    I agree with you, this is also why I scrapbook. So I can relive my little girls growing up. Love seeing your photos!

    • Mye says:

      It is nice to come back to old photos and stories and be able to tell our children about it. Thank you for sharing, Jetje

  4. Stacey says:

    Happy Birthday to your girls! they are so adorable! My how time does fly!

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I'm Mye De Leon

I'm a mom with a desire to give the best for her family and turned a lettering hobby into a multi6-figure business. These days, I eat strategy for breakfast and turn other businesses into successful empires.

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My business is to help your business generate more revenue so you can be who you want to be.