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2013 project life | week 35-37


As you all know, I’ve joined Week in the Life project by Ali Edwards last week so there is no project life update from me. It was a really cool and fun project and I can already see myself doing it again next year. The album is yet to be done but it’s coming together – will soon post about it.

And because of that, I played catch up over the weekend to finish up to Week 37 of my Project Life. Here’s how the last 3 weeks went for us.





Week 35 Summary 

– Second dose of vaccine plus pneumococcal vaccine for Alphonse
– Learned how to brine pork chops
– Elysia got sick (hand, foot and mouth disease)
– She was absent from school for 1 week and missed her school’s trip
– Scieszka joined the Science Center field trip
– Sunday biking at the park







Week 36 Summary 

– Teacher’s Day in Singapore
– Twins made personalized cards using Project Life journal cards
– Physiotherapy for Alphonse





Week 37 Summary 

– I joined Week in the Life project
– Unpredictable weather in Singapore the whole week
– School Term 3 break for one week
– First time to visit Jacq, Iyah and Ella in Punggol
– Simple Scrapper kit arrival
– Washi Tape for the shop arrives
– Girls received jumping rope from Chinese tutor Ms. Ong
– Playtime at the park
– Weekend gathering with LV boys and wives
– Lazy Sunday plus leftovers

I decided to go simple on these 3 weeks for 2 reasons. One, i have a very limited stash (newbie hybrid and paper scrapper here). I’m running out of thickers and embellishments and replenishment is not happening soon. Two, I’m behind by 3 weeks and need to catch up on my latest spreads so I want to be done and not worry about the little details of embellishing so much. I started this project halfway through the year and I still have 5 more months worth of spreads to catch up so being late on the latest weeks is not a good idea.

Week 36 Tip: Thickers is very useful on my spreads and I always ran out of alphabets to use for my titles. Since most of the number 3 has been used, I decided to spell out Week Thirty Six instead of writing it in numeral. Made use of my existing thickers and perfect title too.


Clementine Kraft ACselphy  amytangerineyesplease


Project Life is a memory keeping system created by Becky Higgins. Core Kits and supplies used for 2013 album can be found HERE. All of my Project Life posts can be found HERE.

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