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2013 project life | week 33


Another pretty loaded week and if you will notice, I haven’t blogged much last week. The girls have had fever one after the other until the younger twin was advised to rest for a week because of hand, foot and mouth disease. It was quite a rough week but I managed to pull my few stash together to get week 33 done.


Week 33 is a lot more about Alphonse. He had his regular checkup with Trisomy 21 specialist Dr. Bhavani and fortunately, I was told that he is doing remarkably well! He gained weight again and he has shown progress from his physiotherapy sessions. This is also the week when hubby gave me the Starbucks card (obviously, he knows I’m a coffee addict). I’ve also started trying on new recipes because Kris mentioned he wanted a slight change in his diet so – recipe hoarding it is.


The highlight of this spread is Alphonse’s progress where he showed his doctor that he can already roll perfectly and he managed to control his head longer than the previous checkups. It is amazing! I recall the time when the twins first rolled over, it was an amazing experience but with Alphonse, it came with an even better feeling. I never realised I will come to accept these little things so much!


The day after our little boy’s checkup, he suddenly had fever. I was hesitant to bring him in immediately to the ER because I wanted to observe first. But with my boy’s condition, Kris told me that it isn’t wise to think twice so I rushed him to the hospital and I am relieved that I did because his heart rate increased as well as his blood pressure. Good thing though, his O2 saturation is at 100% which to me is awesome because we left the hospital after his surgery (last February) and it was only at 93. You can say, he did pretty well huh. There wasn’t anything serious though, we were sent home after he was cleared of all tests and the heart rate and BP went back to normal levels.


The fever didn’t last too long (thank, goodness!). The following day, he was already ok. This boy sure is a fighter. I’ve tried a little bit of playing around with my spread this week using a few tags here and there (because they were just sitting in my stash box) and adding a few thickers to tell the story behind the photos. I find it cute though I wanted to try more about embellishing my spread. And yes, I thought I am into simplicity lately – I could be wrong. Yes again, the fickle minded ME.


And here’s the entire look of my week’s spread.

Techniques used this week: I used Thickers to add stories to my photos. I would normally just do more journaling but this week was pretty loaded with pictures so I thought of adding these alphas to tell the stories in a simpler yet beautiful way.


Clementine Kraft ACselphy  

I also used some elements from Pebbles and more papers and embellishments by Amy Tangerine.

Project Life is a memory keeping system created by Becky Higgins. Core Kits and supplies used for 2013 album can be found HERE. All of my Project Life posts can be found HERE.

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