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ten years a mother


Tomorrow, it’s Mother’s Day.  While writing today’s post, I decided to journey back in time to when I first became one.

Year 2005 | I was having fever and flu so I was brought in for a checkup but because I just got married, I was given a mandatory pregnancy testing before I was given antibiotics. The result was negative. So, we went back home, ate and I took medication. I still have the pregnancy test with me but it looked weird compared to when I saw it a few hours ago. There were 2 lines now, the second was not super visible but there it was now (it wasn’t there before!). Thought it was nothing. I went to work the next day but I was having some tummy pains. So my colleagues gave me another pregnancy kit and asked me to do another test. This time, it was clear – positive! Worried about the baby because I was taking medications, I asked Kris to immediately see me and come with me to the OB-gyne. I was asked for a series of tests and officially told that I was pregnant. It was followed by an ultrasound just to be sure that the baby is alive and has not been affected by the antibiotics. The baby was well and heartbeat was fine. But just when the OB was about to finish the ultrasound, she noticed something. There was one more baby! Twins! I had mixed emotions. I’m happy to be a mother but can i take care of twins already??? How did it all became so fast? But when I told Kris and saw how excited he was, all of those worries went away. It was 8 weeks after our wedding and I’m  six weeks pregnant. No pictures of the preg kit because back in the day, I didn’t care much about photos so here I am with no picture to share about that part of my life. I regret that now.


It wasn’t an easy pregnancy. I suffered hyperemesis and threatened abortion so I was told to stop working and rest until I can give birth safely. On the 4th of July, 2005, I gave birth to these tiny angels prematurely at 31 weeks. They weighed 3.3 lbs each and because they were preemies, they had to stay in the hospital for a month to gain weight and be closely monitored by their doctors. They never had complications, luckily. We brought them home exactly a month after – they were still tiny and very very fragile so we never allowed visitors at home at least for the first few months after they were home.


Year 2009 | They grew up pretty fast! Their development was way faster than what we expected. I don’t know if the steroid shot (i got at 27 weeks) has something to do with it. Their first tooth came out at 3 months old, called me mommy at 8 months, walked at 11 months, learned the alphabet at 12 months, and the solar system at 24 months. I had to beg my mom to stop teaching them too much! Above, they were 4 years old. Cute, cuddly and spoiled rotten. Totally the loves of our lives.


Year 2010 | They started schooling. However, the hyper and playful little girls are are uncontrollable at school so they had to be separated. It was the first time they were ever separated from each other. It was heartbreaking but was really necessary. They did great in school, although I did not really pressure them too much on studying. I just told them to enjoy it.





Year 2012 | I got pregnant again and then we moved to Singapore. This time, it was a boy. My pregnancy, was not like the first. I rarely had cravings and I am physically more able than my last pregnancy. Later that year, we went back to the Philippines for Christmas and to give birth to my youngest. This was the twins last year of being the “only children”.

Two days after Christmas, we went out to have lunch and have my regular checkup. We went to a buffet and ate all our favorites. We had a blast. During my checkup, I was told not to go home anymore because I’m fully dilated and I’m ready to give birth anytime. So, I was brought to the labor room for some preparations and Kris went home to get some of our things for the hospital.



Alphonse was born on the 27th of December, 2012. His, was a different story. It wasn’t the usual – hey-congratulations-on-the-new-baby type of thing. In fact, no one ever said the word congratulations. But that day, the family of four became a family of five. We are COMPLETE. For the second time around, I became a mother. And I am thankful for that.

Year 2013 | Our youngest had his open heart surgery. It definitely was the most challenging time in my life as a mother. Leaving my 6 weeks old baby at the operating table, seeing him pass out after being sedated, was the most painful part of it. That’s not talking about the post-surgery events yet. But, despite the challenges and a lot of nerve wracking conversations with nurses, surgeons and doctors, he fought well and did great and he is ready to face the next chapter of his life.



Year 2014 | We made more friends in our new found home in Singapore. Alphonse continued his developmental therapies and has been steadily showing progress. The twins have gotten better in their Mandarin classes but has been complaining that it’s becoming really harder.



Year 2015 | Ten years a mother. I have never imagined my life will be filled with the most challenging and the most happiest moments. Yet here I am. If I have any regrets, it was the day when I gave birth to my son and I cried a lot, cursed a lot, blamed myself a lot! If only I know then what I knew now, I wouldn’t have felt very sorry and sad when I learned that he was born with Down Syndrome and a congenital heart disease. He deserved more.

I know better now. As a mother, I have learned a lot of great things from my children.

Being a mother is a hard job. Whether you have a day job or you are a stay-at-home or a work-at-home mom, we are all moms and we can never be compared to one another. Each of us has her own beliefs and ways in rearing our children the best way we can. So this weekend, while you enjoy the company of your loved ones, let me tell you this –

“You are one amazing mother!!’

Happy Mother’s Day to you!

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comments +

  1. Deborah Kaye says:

    this is a beautiful post. Your children are lovely.

  2. susan says:

    Lovely read and your family is beautiful.

  3. Aww, Mye. What a beautiful story! Your family, your experiences, your struggles… all filled with love and tenderness. I can see the pride you have in your children, in your husband. Thank you for sharing! I love that we share the bond of being twin moms. Happy holidays!

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