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2.3.13 Update | Hearing Test & More


January 27th | Alphonse is 1 month old

Time sure flies fast – our bundle of joy is now a month old. And that photo is his first smile ever captured on camera. He’s growing wonderfully well and that makes me so happy. Despite the fact that we discovered he has subclinical hypothyroidism, we’re still very happy that there are meds to help him.


January 29th | Hearing Tests & More

I’m still bad at taking hospital photos – the one above is Al with my mom.

Today, we’ve spent more than 12 hours in the hospital. We arrived early morning to have his hearing tests done. Results were still “Refer” so we immediately rushed to his pedia for interpretation. It was his 4th hearing tests and because he still didn’t pass, we were referred to another specialist – a pedia ENT. We didn’t get to meet her today.  Good news is, Alphonse is now 3.6 kgs – he is consistently gaining weight. Thanks to breastmilk, vitamins and VCO (virgin coconut oil).

We met with his pedia cardio next and discussed about the surgery costs (once more) and the date of the operation. Alphonse has been temporarily scheduled on the 14th of February. The doctor will need to meet with his team and arrange all the details and will confirm the date next week. He is very helpful and he gives me all the information I need and I never felt like he’s rushing me to discuss things because he has other patients waiting. Such a good doctor.

The last stop for the day was the geneticist where we needed to wait for more than 5 hours. It was never a gruesome wait because I’ve learned a lot about other people that day, their pain, their struggles, their heartaches. And it’s all because of their children’s cases. I can say – I am still lucky because mine is not as hopeless as some of them. With early intervention, he will be ok and I am sure of it.

Alphonse got 2 more referrals this time – a pedia opthalmologist and a developmental pedia for further evaluation and early intervention. My son may have been dealing with  a lot right now and we’ve been seeing 9 doctors over the last couple of days (there will probably be more), but we are hopeful – we will get THROUGH THESE things in time.

February 1 | Tummy Issues

Alphonse started having tummy issues today. He’s become restless but he never cried. It pains me to see him in pain. We are breastfeeding but he’s still suffering from constipation. His stool is soft and normal, it’s just that he’s having a hard time releasing it. We’ll probably need to see his doctor again next week.

February 3 | A Little Better

He started to feel a little better today – he was able to sleep (at least some good sleep). He’s been feeding well and still on meds and vitamins. We are scheduled to meet his surgeon tomorrow. He’ll probably fill me in with more details about the procedure. Will keep you all posted.


Our indiegogo campaign has ended last January 28th and we received a total of $11,185 (HUGE THANK YOU!). I will still update that page regularly to inform those who are following us about Alphonse’s status.

The collaborative project An Innocent Heart has sold really well – at Pixels and Company alone, it did $7940 and Gennifer Bursett has already sent me the money. Toiny of Digital Scrapbooking Studio has been forwarding me all the invoices and I am sure it did pretty well there too. Joyce Herst of Mscraps sent me over EUR1100. I have also received sales from the following: Scrap Matters, Romajo Scraps, Deep Girl Design, ScrapArtStudio, Amy Teets, My Scrap Art Digital, HunnyBee Design, Scrap from France, With Love Studio, Sus Designs, Sweet Pea Design. TRULY, THE DIGITAL SCRAPBOOK COMMUNITY HAS BEEN VERY INSTRUMENTAL IN MAKING THIS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!

And although I haven’t fully checked well, we also received a good amount of direct pledges from our relatives, friends, bloggers, CCS high school class of ’94, colleagues from Accenture and Futjisu Ten, and even from total strangers.

WE CANNOT THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH! This Valentine’s Day – I will be asking you once more to please keep Alphonse in your thoughts as he enters the operating room. We are staying strong because we know there are people who are with us in this battle. Our little one will be in good hands.
P.S. If I missed anyone in my little thank you note, I am sorry and please let me know so I can edit the post and add you in there.

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comments +

  1. Sus says:

    I am so glad to hear that we all reached the goal, and got Alphonse the money for his surgery + a little extra, I am sure you are gonna need it. My very best wishes, and all the luck in the world
    Sus of Sus Designs

  2. Donna says:

    Love these pictures of Alphonse, Mye! He is one brave little angel! 🙂 And I’m also touched with how many people helped out for Alphonse’s operation. We’ll all be praying with you 🙂

  3. keuntje says:

    We’ll be thinking of you on feb 14!! be strong little man, you’re in good hands. wishing the family good luck

  4. Heather T. says:

    Wow! People all over the world pulling for you guys… What a wonderful start little Al is getting despite everything!

  5. shuckclod says:

    Great news for your sweet little boy… I know you passed your needed amount. He will be in the best hands on the 14th. That will be a day you will cherish even more. Best wishes to you and your family. 🙂

  6. Donna says:

    I was just wondering how you all were – how wonderful to hear of all the support! Will be praying for his doctors, for you and for that sweet baby!

  7. Michelle says:

    Continuing to think of your little one, and your whole family. ♥

  8. […] is an AWESOME update.. Alphonse will be receiving his life saving surgery on VALENTINES DAY. I am sure that if he could he would tell you all thank you, his mom would too. But there are so […]

  9. My friend Val sent me your story a few weeks ago. I couldn’t do much but shout into the blog world for the loving arms of a community of mommas and daddies who had big hearts and big share buttons. This is exactly what I wanted to hear. I am so glad he will get his surgery, best of all on Valentines Day. I think your lil man has more Valentines than he will ever realize..

  10. Arlene says:

    February 14 – Valentine’s Day – Love and Hearts Day!! That is wonderful news. Alphonse is so adorable Mye. I’m happy things are progressing and you are feeling positive. The digi-community rocks … so glad you are receiving such great support. Love, hugs and prayers coming your way.

  11. Marilyn says:

    Thanks for the update. He’s such a handsome little one and you are taking such good care of him. Can’t wait to hear of his improvement after surgery.

  12. theena arriza says:

    I love you Alphonse! I know our good Lord will help you make it! I love you and i’m always thinking about you every minute of the day!

  13. Mary says:

    Awwwww what a sweet smile!! My thoughts and prayers are with him and the family. I am thinking of you all!

  14. Jhari says:

    I cried as usual 🙁 Hugs Mye! Valentines day will be a lovely day for sure. It will be mending an innocent heart 🙂

  15. Audrey says:

    I’m glad you managed to raise the money for his operation. Will be thinking of him come Valentine’s day.

  16. Karen Freeman says:

    Thank you for taking the time to let us know how things are. We are thinking of you all and especially on Feb 14th!

  17. Sara says:

    Thank you for the update. It’s wonderful how the DS community has come together for adorable Alphonse, and reading your “Thank You to” list brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful that so many people–literally from all over the world–have come together to help. Alphonse will continue to be in my prayers–especially on Feb 14th! 🙂

  18. myleen says:

    i always and will always pray for your little one.funny thing, after i sent you something on paypal and RT your link, a colleague approached me and asked if I knew you personally, he said he was your co-worker in fujitsu. Small world.
    I stumbled upon your blog from Neva’s. 🙂

  19. Isabel says:

    Thanks for the update Mye…So happy to know you reached the goal for Alphonse’s surgery! Keeping your family in my prayers everyday ((hugs))

  20. Ona says:

    Will be thinking of you all on Valentine’s Day Mye! Such a wonderful effort from everyone, lots of love and blessings to you and your family and especially little Alphonse, what a super cute smile he has!!! xx

  21. Felis says:

    If have some campaign pages or other materials that want to try to popularize just say! We are with your family and sends many hugs and praying!

  22. thanks so much for the update 🙂 love seeing new pics of alphonse! noah had 8 hearing tests (all refer) until his third month when his right ear passed. we had to do an ABR/BAER test to determine if he has some degree of hearing loss or not. the round-about visits to doctors can certainly wear you down but it’s all for alphonse and you are right, he will be ok! he has a team of professionals looking after him and most especially he has his loving family around him.
    if you need any help, doc referrals or just need a person to vent to please just send me an email mye 🙂 god bless you, your family and most especially your alphonse, who is such a brave fighter!

  23. Arianne says:

    I don’t know you, but I bought the special kit and have been checking this blog regularly – I agree with all of the above – an awesome update 🙂 I’m so glad you are getting all this support and love and prayers 🙂 I will be sending my love, prayers and good energies to you, the family & especially little Alphonse on 14th Feb. Green is the colour of the heart chakra and the colour of love – it is a very healing colour – hospitals used to use it a lot on their walls – so I’ll wear some green on the 14th for little Al. xxx

  24. Theena Arriza says:

    Hi ate Mye! How was baby Alphonse?

  25. Su Hall says:

    God bless you all!

  26. […] enable this little life to go on.  Alphonse had his surgery!  He is home and doing quite well!  I’ll let Mye tell you the awesome details in this post.  Down under February 3, the post is in diary form, she names the stores and folks who helped and […]

  27. Pat Phelps says:

    It looks like the little guy is growing fast. I am so glad that he is home and that things went well. Glad you are back to us too. I love your freebies.

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I'm Mye De Leon

I'm a mom with a desire to give the best for her family and turned a lettering hobby into a multi6-figure business. These days, I eat strategy for breakfast and turn other businesses into successful empires.

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