I’ve fallen in love even more with Project Life! As you can see, I have accumulated quite a few scrapbooking goodies. My friend Jacq and I went to Papermarket after Alphonse’s therapy on a Monday and we got a couple of loots. We sure had short but fun time together and we’re hoping to get connected every so often to exchange ideas and goodies to each other. Oh I love friends!
Likewise, I’ve been enjoying taking photos and now I’m happier with the shots I have taken compared to the previous months. I read a lot about phone photography while studying how to use the DSLR. Kris has been (patiently and painstakingly) trying to teach the hard-headed and complicated me and little by little, I’m beginning to take the big girl camera more often.
Today was supposedly a day off but one of my goals this month is to blog daily so I can incorporate the habit into my schedule until it becomes a habit again. Because, seriously, I missed my blog. Project Life is what I decided to do today and while I am enjoying the process, I took a few moments to snap and take behind the scenes photos – too bad, I still don’t have a tripod so I can take shots that includes “me!”
Oh and yes, still a little messy with the organization. I don’t have much so organizing is a little difficult with the sizes of the containers on hand and the number of pieces I got. While I took a break to blog, the left page is done while the right page is ongoing. Can you tell I’m loving this spread?
There will be a separate blog post tomorrow so I hope you’ll stop by again.
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