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An Innocent Heart


May 27th, 2012 | The News

It was unexpected, I learned that I am pregnant.

I don’t know how I will feel. Part of me was very happy about it but part of me is quite uncertain because we will be raising another child. Are we ready for it? That’s the big question. A day has passed and quickly all our worries turned to joy and excitement because we will have a new family member soon!


September 28th, 2012 | Baby Boy!

Fast forward 24 weeks, we learned that I am having a boy! Much to our surprise, this is the boy who will complete our family! The princesses have long wished for a prince to come along and now here he is. I cannot imagine the happiness that my husband, my daughters and I felt that day. I told the world about my baby and became very proud that I will be holding him in my arms in the next few weeks.


December 5th, 2012 | 4lbs 12oz

He is now 33 weeks and 5 days. Just a few more days and we will be able to finally hug him. Oh, I can’t wait for the day to come. The girls and I shopped for supplies and baby clothes. That evening, I was also brought to the pre-labor room due to pre-term labor. Good thing, he was able to calm down and we were sent home. Another bout of pre-term labor happened the week after but with the help of medicines, he was saved once more.

December 27th, 2012 | This is it!

He is now 36 weeks and 6 days. Today is my regular check with my OB-Gyne but I have already been having a series of contractions since the 26th. We did not go straight to the hospital. My husband came home from Singapore to spend Christmas with us so we had lunch together and we happily enjoyed our post-Christmas meal as a family. It was a fine day and we were all happy.

After lunch, we went to visit my OB-Gyne for my weekly check. I was told that I am fully effaced and dilated at 2cm and that I have to stay at the hospital. Since I will be having a repeat C-section, my doctor immediately scheduled an operation to avoid rupture of the uterine wall. I got excited! My husband went home to get some stuffs and I went straight to the Labor Room for preparation.


December 27th, 2012 @ 5:33 PM, Alphonse is out. But I can barely hear him cry. He cried once, it stopped, he cried again and he stopped. I got worried. I can hear the doctors and nurses saying he’s having a lot of secretions and I keep asking myself why he is not crying but it went away the moment i saw him trying to latch. It was a very warm experience. My baby boy is finally with us.

Upon recovery, I saw my husband and the girls. They are full of joy.

Later that evening, I got a call from the Pediatrician, she said my baby has murmurs in his heart and it needs to be checked first before they send him to my room. It got me a bit worried but due to medicines, I didn’t get to think about it much. I just felt like sleeping and recovering my energy so I can finally cuddle him in the morning.

December 28th, 2012 | The Shocking News

Early morning, I got a visit from my anesthesiologist, my OB-Gyne and the Pediatrician. They went straight to inform me about the bad news. My baby has a hole in his heart chambers and that it needs to be checked by a Pedia Cardiologist. It was such a devastating news. What did my baby do to deserve such an illness? He is so tiny and fragile and he had just arrived in our lives. I kept on crying and I can’t bring myself to stop. It is so heartbreaking.

The next doctor who came into my room was the Pedia Cardiologist and he confirmed the illness of my son. He has Tetralogy of Fallot. He further explained that there is a hole between his bottom heart chambers causing him to lack enough oxygen supply to his lungs. It was the reason why he wasn’t crying. It was as if my son understands that the further he cries, the more stressful it will be for his heart.

The doctor was very kind and told us that even though it happened to him at this stage, this illness is curable by surgery. Yes, my little boy will have to undergo an open heart surgery to survive this illness. He needs to have it at 6 weeks old, the earliest but no more than 3 months or he will not make it. He told us how much the surgery will cost and what do we need to prepare. We will need roughly $12,500 for the surgery alone. It was another shocking news but deep in our hearts, we knew there is hope. We are not wealthy and we need to get that amount in a month so we can schedule our baby’s surgery and free him from this very stressful and scary condition.

Our family should’ve been the happiest today but this situation brought us tears and worry for our little prince. Every single day, he is trying his best. You will never hear him cry. He cannot even feed a straight 1 oz of milk because it puts stress to his heart. He needs to rest in between small feedings. I cannot breastfeed him because he is not comfortable so I had to pump regularly and give it to him using a feeding bottle. He is fighting and as a family, we want to fight with him.


We need help

YES, we do. We need to raise money to finance his surgery and we only have a month to do it. My husband is doing his best with his job and I want to contribute as well. I am a digital scrapbook designer and a blog designer. I am humbly knocking at your doors and offering my products and services so we can get the amount needed on time.

I have a digital scrapbook store at Pixels & Company and my blog design website is My Creative Zone.

My digital products are slowly being loaded to my store and there will be $1 kits available through the rest of January. If you are a digital scrapper or hybrid artist, your purchases this month will be greatly appreciated.

If you need blog make over or a new blog design, I can do it for you as well. Please check out My Creative Zone for all the graphic services I am offering as well as the rates. If you are interested, you may place your order through HERE.

{updated} Some people have sent me messages and want to send pledges straight to our account. We can never thank you all enough. If, by any chance you want to send it straight to us, my paypal address is admin@myedeleon.showitbinary.wpengine.com

Thank you for spending some time reading this post and for thinking about my boy and our family. May you and your family be blessed this 2013.



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comments +

  1. Maribel says:

    Congrats on your baby boy! He is adorable! I’m so sorry you’re going through this, it really is heart breaking but I hope he can get the surgery he needs so he can be a healthy little boy! I love your product so ill be checking out your store this month! <3Maribel

  2. Heather T. says:

    Yikes Mye. I hope your little prince will live a long and happy life after this difficult beginning! Many warm thoughts for his little laboring heart, for you, and for your family.

  3. Susan says:

    Congrats on your baby!! My nephew had to have heart surgery at 3months old, he came throught it just fine. Just keep thinking that he will be fine…. My nephew now is 15 years old… So please keep the faith. My prayers are with you…

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Susan – i am so looking forward to that day. It’s heartbreaking for now but I am positive that my baby will overcome this.

  4. Cairn says:

    What a handsome prince! Sending prayers and hugs to your family.

  5. SheilaR says:

    I am so sorry that you are going through this. Please know that I am praying for you and your family. God will help you through this, trust in the Lord and he will provide. Sending much Love and Prayers from my Ohio home.Sheila

  6. Lslycord says:

    Prayers for your family during this difficult time. I will do some shopping in your store this weekend.

  7. agnieszka says:

    He is beautiful! This should be a happy time for all of you when he is with you at last and I am so sorry it turns out so difficult. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts. Big hug, sweetie!!

  8. Noy et Rose says:

    This makes me teary. Our prayers for your baby boy, Mye…

  9. Arlene says:

    Oh (((((Mye))))). I’m so sorry your newborn baby needs surgery. You must be devastated. Congratulations on his birth, he’s beautiful. It’s just so sad about his heart condition. I will be praying for your son’s recovery. Hugs to you and your family. Best of luck with the funding.

  10. Donna E. says:

    Praying hard for Alphonse, Mye… he is such an adorable baby….he will get through this! ((hugs))

  11. Diaper Days says:

    Reading your post made me cry, kawawa nmn c Alphonse ang liit pa nmn nya..I can really understand how you feel mommy, but hold on for the sake for your little prince..And just pray and pray to God.. I really hope he will get surgery and treatment.. I includes Alphonse to my prayer that he will be treated soon..

  12. Cassie W says:

    What a handsome little boy! I am thinking of you and your family right now and hope that everything turns out well for you!

  13. Stephanie says:

    I would like to donate. Can we do that?

  14. Berniek says:

    Dear Mye,First of all, congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!
    Second, I am so sorry you have to go through this.
    I have asked my scrapping friends to visit this blog and shop at your store. I really hope you and your husband will be able to raise enough money for surgery and life afterwards. I am going to shop at your store right now.

  15. Jessica says:

    Congratulations on adding a prince to your castle. My youngest was born on December 27th, it’s a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays. I am so sorry that you are dealing with the health issues, if it’s of help, my dear niece was born with a hole the size of a quarter in her heart. She too had surgery within a few weeks of being born and at age 4 is full of joy, giggles and happiness. It was a long road of nervousness and anxiety dealing with all her needs, but a lot of prayers and faith pulled her through (and all of the family). I know that the digi-scrap world is a pretty big one, and you will have many many prayers coming at you from all around the globe. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you face this most difficult time. (Sending hugs from the Netherlands)

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Thank you so much for the encouragement, Jessica. I need those during this time and I am very happy to be in such a warm digital scrapbook community

  16. Jan says:

    Oh Mye, I am so sorry that your happy time turned into sorrow.I will be praying for you, your precious little boy and your whole family.
    Is there any way that we could just donate some money for the surgery?
    Hugs, Jan

  17. charlize says:

    Mye! Congratulations on your baby boy and big hugs for you …I really hope everything turns out great for you … I want to contact you regarding the website … can I email you or msg you on facebook??

  18. Angela says:

    Oh Mye, I am so sorry about what you and your family are going through. I know that it has not been an easy pregnancy. I’m thinking of you all will try to help in whatever way I can. *hugs*

  19. Jhari says:

    Mye, I will try to reach out and will try our best to help out. Hang in there, and God is with us all the way. Just believe. We love you Mye! And as a mom, I’m proud of you because you’re such a strong human being.

  20. patricia braun says:

    Dear Mye,
    Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful little boy! My son, Dylan, was born with Down syndrome and congenital heart defects. He had his first open heart surgery at 10 weeks of age and a second when he was 14 years of age. Dylan will turn 18 in February and he is the joy of my life. He has an annual checkup with his cardiologist but that is all. She does not anticipate him requiring any further surgery. The doctors do amazing work and cardiac surgery is improving by leaps and bounds. Dylan is a fighter, and Alphonse will be too. I know this is a difficult time for you and your family. Stay strong. Hugs from Pat and Dylan.

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Thank you for the words of encouragement, Pat. I am happy to hear about Dylan and I pray that my baby will be able to get over this too. He’s a fighter 🙂

  21. Sandy Henderson says:

    Mye…you and your family are going through so much right now…and my thoughts and prayers and with you. I will share your story–I hope that it reaches enough people to make a difference! Even as your heart is aching, the love you have for your family and little Alphonse is STRONGER than anything else. Hold on to that! You are surrounded by people who love you from ALL OVER THE WORLD–that is a blessing in itself. Love and Hugs!

  22. Lady Bug says:

    Dear Mye,
    Best wishes for little Alphonse! I am going straight to your store to buy something.

    Don’t give up hope.

  23. Patty Colton says:

    Dear Mye,
    I am praying now for your son, and you and your family…the Good Lord will see you all through this and his angels will watch over him! 🙂 I would also like to donate….how do we send the money to you? God Bless and I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers each day!


  24. Glenda says:

    Congratulations on your new addition! My heart is with you… Take care of yourself and your family – especially your little Prince!

  25. clara says:

    oh je suis si triste pour votre petit ange, mais il faut garder espoir la medecine a fait d’immenses progrès et je suis sure que votre petit garçon mettra toute son énergie pour devenir un beau garçon. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage en cette période si difficile, et je vais vite voir votre magasin.

  26. TerryF says:

    I am excited for you that your baby boy has arrived. I am sorry to read of the problem with his heart, but so relieved that is a way to make it better. You, he, and your entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you face and overcome this. {{{hugs}}}

  27. Su Hall says:

    Sweetie, your son is gorgeous! And, I know he will be fine. I live in a city with an huge teaching hospital that has specialists in pediatric cardiology. A niece and now my own grandson have had to take advantage of their services. It is so heartbreaking to see a little tiny baby and know they face surgery. But, the success rate is just phenomenal!One thing I do know about that you may be able to look into is “Children’s Medical Services”. They come in and take over paying for children with debilitating illnesses and/or issues. They paid for my niece’s entire surgery and care! I am in Florida. I don’t know where you are, but, look it up where you live. I’m quite certain other states have this program or one similar. It was a godsend for the new parents of both of the children I know!
    You have my prayers and blessings. I will go have a look at your new store!
    Thank you!


  28. ava says:

    Hi Mye, this must be a very bitter-sweet time for you and your family, happy to have a gorgeous addition to the family, but sad for him to be facing a medical challenge. Continue to be strong, and keep the faith.Will be praying for your family….sending you hugs!

  29. Janice says:

    Congratulations on your baby boy, Mye. He is truly adorable. I’m sorry he has to go through all this. I have shared this post of yours on my personal and my blog’s FB pages in the hopes that more people will find out about your story and help out. I really hope your baby will be able to get his surgery. I’m praying for you.

  30. Jennifer says:

    Oh Mye, he is absolutely precious! I am sending you all my love and prayers during this tremendously difficult time! HUGS!!!

  31. cristina says:

    Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy. I have a 5 month old boy too, he was born via c-section. I wish you and your boy health and that his surgery goes well. I love your work and am glad that I can help a little bit by purchasing some of your designs.Good luck!

  32. denise says:

    Congratulations on your beautiful little Alphonse! As a nurse who has worked for many years with newborns, I know that his condition is serious, but treatable. How fortunate we are to live in a time when Alphonse can grow up healthy and happy! I know that you are doing everything to help him.I will hold you in my prayers for Alphonse’s healing and for your family’s peace.

    I admire your products and will go to your shops to see what I can do to help. I also have a large network of nurse friends who will understand that Alphonse needs “a village” right now. I will pass along your story and perhaps some of them will feel led to help.

    Bless you and your family during this difficult time.

  33. Netta says:

    Off to buy stuff! He’s so precious. My heart and prayers are with you!Hugs,

  34. Suzan says:

    Mye, sweety, I’m in shock after reading this! I wish you and your family lots of strength to get through this difficult time and the challenges you are facing/will face. Thinking of you and your precious little boy. Keep us posted about his progress please.
    Lots of love and big, big hugs,

  35. Lynn says:

    Congratulations of the birth of your baby boy! My son was also born with a congenital heart defect and had open heart surgery at 4 days old. I made a book on shutterfly that may help prepare you for his journey. His is now 29 months and you would never know he was born with transposition of the great arteries. I am shocked that you need to raise this money. My son was born at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital in Hershey, PA. We did not pay for his surgery. The bills that our insurance did not pay were paid for by Children’s Miracle Network. (http://www.childrensmiracle.net/). I don’t know where you are from, but I urge you to see if there is a Children’s Miracle Network that can help you or a hospital that will do the surgery and it will not come out of your pocket. It is appalling to me that they will not do the surgery unless you pay for it. It is their medical responsibility to do everything they can for him; whether you can pay up front or not. Please keep us posted and please try to contact organizations to help. Also, try Mended Little Hearts . I wish I could help more. God bless you and your family and especially your little bundle!! Here is the link for my book; it is graphic with the pictures of my son in the hospital, but it will help you prepare for your son’s surgery http://austinscott.shutterfly.com/

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Thank you for linking me up, Lynn – i truly appreciate it. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is something similar to Children’s Miracle here in our country. We also do not have any insurance to aid us. I know that is so frustrating to hear and I am happy that at least you were able to have your son’s surgery without worrying about the cost. I will definitely give your site a visit.

  36. Kelley says:

    Oh Mye, congrats on your beautiful baby boy! I’m so sorry to hear about his illness and I will be praying for him every day! I wish I had more to give, but I am heading to your pixels anc co shop 🙂

  37. Jennifer Valencia says:

    Mye, congratulations on the birth of sweet Alphonse. I’m so sorry that he needs heart surgery! My prayers & hopes are going out for a smooth surgery & a fast recovery. 🙂

  38. Scarlet 357 says:

    Oh Mye, I am soooo very sorry to hear this about your long awaited for prince. Are you a Christian? I think you are, because you celebrate Christmas according to your blog entries. First… before money and anything else… Let’s agree in prayer together that your boy will be saved by the grace and mercy of Our Lord and that he will get his surgery and that it will be a mighty and wonderful success, because of the miracle Our Lord is going to do in your little one despite money concerns or anything else and we pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. I know that Our Lord has heard our prayer, for according the Bible in Matthew 18 verse 20, the Bible says “For where two or three gather together in my name , I am there among them.” I know that God can do great things with or without funding it with money, but just in case the Lord chooses to use that method of helping you than I also pray with you that you receive every dollar that you need. Please keep us posted as this progresses. I’m praying that the Holy Spirit will bring you and your husband “the peace that passes all understanding” even in this time of great need, because once you give a problem to the Lord through prayer, He can take the burden of answering that prayer from you and give you peace instead.Mye, it may be helpful to all of us that would like to make a donation to you without buying something from your store, if you would set up a special pay pal account or make your pay pal account accessible for donations to go straight to your account. I have seen done for many other people raising money for a particular need. Then you can share the link with everyone. You might be able to do this option through your store as well, where they can have an option to go to make straight monetary donations w/out products purchased in the store. It would be great if this option to make cash donations is set up to allow us to type in the amount of donation we would like to donate . Perhaps , you can create options to allow us to transfer our money from our pay pal account to your special pay pal account or even to use our credit cards to make such a donation. I don’t know how to do any of this, but I know it can be done. I will start spreading the link to this blog post in every forum I go to and then I will post the link to your donation site, if you set one up. I am hoping a designer sees this and feels the need to ask designers to donate kit pieces for a super mega kit to raise money for your cause. You are doing everything you can do and all of us will do our parts to help you, a wonderful fellow sister in the digital scrapbooking community we all love and share, now sit back and let’s watch what Our Lord can do with this situation. Our Lord shows His greatness and strength, when we are at our weakest. Have faith and cover your new little one with kisses and love from me and all of us.

  39. Maggie (sandersmr) says:

    Mye – I remember when you announced in a chat you were having a boy. My prayers are with you, Alphonse, the doctors and your family. And I’m off to buy what I don’t already own.

  40. Jonyce says:

    Oh Mye…I dont’ know what to say. This is such a tough situation. I’m with Scarlet, if there is an account I can directly donate to, I’d love to do that for you. Please let us know if there is another way to help. In the meantime, I’ll check out the kits in your stores to see if there are any I don’t have. 🙂 Congrats on the little Prince and know that you all are in my prayers. *hugs*

  41. Rain Klepper says:

    Dear Mye and family,I am heading for your site with charge card in hand and tears streaming down my face. Bless all of you and your little man…he is beautiful, and thank you so much for sharing the story. I will send on this email to everyone I know.

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Thank you so much, Rain. I am crying everyday but I have to be strong for my baby and yesterday, he smiled at me and it brought smile back to my face as well 🙂

  42. dkane says:

    My prayers are with you and your family. I see that in your store you have gift certificates. It is a way people can donate now and get a product later or give as a gift to a friend. This is what I am going to do since I am leaving on vacation and do not have time
    to download stuff before I go.

  43. Susan Fisher McClure says:

    So sorry to hear the news of your newborn. You have always been one of my favorite designers; in fact one of the first I started buying when I got addicted to digi scrapping at the end of 2011. So even though I was going to cut back on buying kits this will be an exception. I am the mother of 4 grown kids, I am still an occupational therapist but during my childbearing years, I was also a lactation consultant and a childbirth instructor, so little ones are always in my heart and the financial needs are well understood.

  44. Laura says:

    gosh, mye. my heart breaks for you and your family. off to do my part now <3

  45. erica says:

    I have worked in cardiology and want you to know that I took care of many adult patients who had undergone surgery for tetrology of fallot and were living healthy, wonderful lives. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. By any chance do you have a “buy my store” option? I would love to be able to contribute.

  46. shirley says:

    Mye,My heart and prayers are with you. I just ordered a kit to help with your beautiful sons surgery. I know it’s not near enough. I also posted on the FB pages I belong to which included My Memories. I sincerely hope this will help you reach your goal for the surgery.

  47. Andi says:

    Mye, Congrats on your new baby, but also sorry to hear of his health problems. He sure is a beautiful baby and what a joy. I’m headed to your shop as well. So hoping and praying for your family. Hugs, Andi

  48. Kathy says:

    What a beautiful baby! I hope you are able to raise the money you need and I will do all I can to buy some items in your store. However, if you can set up place to donate I would love to do that also. Thank you for alll the beautiful work that you do and God bless you and your son.

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Hi Kathy, I have received PMs and email asking me about how to send some pledges straight to us so I added my paypal account in my post. Thank you so so much! If you need something in my store in exchange, just please let me know 🙂

  49. Amy says:

    Congratulations. I’m sure your son will have a speedy and fullmrecovery. Please do a buy my store. Also, there is a website you can set up for donations. I saw it in one of the newsmagazines, people had cancer tratments paid for. I’m going to see if I can find itnand email you.

  50. Oriana says:

    Hi MYE, I can totally relate with you.My best friend went through a simmiliar situation and since we live in Latin America, she had to travel to the United States to have the surgery (so no insurance work there either) and we make raffle donations and else, just to get the money to help her.
    I already made a small purchase on your store. Is not much, but I hope enough people spend a little to raise enough money.
    I´m sure the surgery will be perfect and your dear Alphonse will grow healthy and handsome.

  51. Amy says:

    Found it. It’s gofundme.com . please join and we’ll spread the word.

  52. Van Nguyen says:

    I just sent a small donation. I know it’s not much but I hope that it helps you. Sending you and sweet Alphonse lots of love and thoughts and prayers…

  53. Glenda Duncan says:

    Mye,I am praying for your precious little Alphonse, you, and your family. Thank God there is a surgery to help him. My heart really goes out to you. I’ve been out of the Scrapping community for quite some time, but I saw your email, and had to open it. Can you set up an account on-line where we can use our credit card to donate? I will go to your store, too. Do you have a news station that you could contact, and they might do a story and get donations for you? Sweetie, he is in God’s hands, and I will keep him in my prayers. I pray that his surgery goes well, and that he heals completely and quickly. Give him a kiss for me, okay?
    Love ya!
    Glenda Duncan

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Thank you so much, Glenda 🙂 – my husband and I are working hard to get the funds ready before his surgery. I am thankful that I am a part of the digital community as well because if not, I do not know where to get support, encouragement and prayers. Thank you so much. I will kiss him for you 🙂

  54. Rikki says:

    Congrats on the birth of your beautiful little boy! I am crying right now because I can so understand the situation you are in. When our son was born and had Down Syndrome we read a lot about heart surgery and it is amazing what can be done nowadays.I will go shopping at your shop tonight, I hope there are enough products available, :). At the same time my husband said he could do with a blog (who can’t?), so he will check out your blog design site as well.

  55. amaree says:

    Our son was born 11 months ago with the same exact symptoms and diagnosis, also undiagnosed before birth. Many prayers go your way! As terrifying as it is, our cardiologist reminded me that if we were to pick and choose, this is a good defect to have– it is repairable and our babies will live relatively normal kives! Best of luck to you and yourbfamily and baby!

  56. Lindzie says:

    I had no idea until I just read this all. The holidays got me away for reading for a bit. I will do what I can. I hope the surgery goes well. Thinking and praying for your family!

  57. mmikes says:

    Mye, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please keep up posted on his progress. He is a beautiful boy. I’m off to your store now.

  58. Vanessa (Unica) says:

    Mye, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Lots of positive energy being sent for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for him. Much strength for you and hubby and much love to all of the kids, especially that beautiful boy of yours.

  59. Michelle says:

    Thinking of you and your family. ♥

  60. Tammy says:

    Congratulations, Mye, to you and your family! I can’t imagine how scary this would be. My prayers are with you. Please keep us posted as much as you can <3

  61. IssyScotland says:

    Sending my love to you, your family and little baby Alphonse. xoxo

  62. stacey says:

    Mye, I’m so sorry! I wish I could afford to donate, or buy something, but this month I just can’t! I can’t even pay all my bill this month and don’t how I’m going to come up with enough so I don’t get anything shut off! I will however be praying for your little prince and hope that others in better financial situations than myself will purchase your fantastic kits! Please keep us posted as you can!

  63. Dawn Farias says:

    Just sent a little gift. Praying for you!

  64. Happy Scrap Girl says:

    Mye, Congratulations on your sweet baby boy! He is beautiful. I am saying lots of prayers for you both and will be glad to help any way that I can.
    Hugs sweetie – luv ya gal!

  65. Petra (Dutch_Diva) says:

    Oh no dear Mye I had no idea! I just read this via someone else’s Facebook 🙁 I’m so sorry to hear about your sweet Alphonse’s heart; this is not how one is supposed to enjoy a new baby in the family!We don’t have much either and can barely make ends meet but I will gladly send some money soon (have to get a pre-paid card for it to do so) in the hope it will help a little even though it won’t be much. I so wish we had more so it could be more. I just can’t believe they won’t do the surgery if you can’t come up with the money but I know that’s how it works in your country. 🙁 You’re all in my thoughts and prayers and hopefully he may have his surgery soon and become a happy healthy baby! Big hugs to you all! ♥

  66. Mye, I am so devastated to hear you are going through this especially when it was such an unknown factor. He is beautiful! ((HUGS)) Remember this isn’t your fault, you didn’t “cause” any of this to happen. I know you will get what you need to help him. I had a preemie with complications and I know all too well how scary it is when your little one needs surgery. ((HUGS))

  67. Sabine says:

    Mye, I am sending you and your family healthy thoughts for little Alphonse. Hope he can have his surgery quickly and get better soon.

  68. Aly says:

    Mye….I am so so sorry to hear about what you are facing. Know that the entire community is gathering around you and lifting you up. I am adding your family to my prayerlist!

  69. Missi says:

    Praying for your family. My great neohew was born in September and alse has Tetralogy of Fallot. He saw the cardiologist in early Decemebr and should be having his surgery soon.

  70. Debbie Morris says:

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your precious baby boy. My baby boy who is 23 had to have open heart surgery this past June, so I know all too well how you must feel. I was terrified. I will tell you that Jake had his surgery on a Wednesday and by Saturday, only 3 days later he was at home playing video games. He was back at work with in 5 weeks. Jake had to have his aortic arch replaced, we were very lucky to have discovered that his was enlarged and was in danger of rupturing. Had he not had this surgery he would have died within 3 to 5 years the doctor said. I KNOW your baby boy will be fine. I will make a donation now for your boy to have his surgery. ((hugs))

  71. Nancy says:

    I just sent you a small donation to help with expenses. I’m so sorry that such a joyous event has turned into such a frightening experience for you and especially little Alphonse. I will be holding you all in my prayers. God bless!

  72. Lara H. says:

    Hi Mye!I found your site through Megan Turnidge’s Facebook page. I also emailed you. My daughter has Tetralogy of Fallot. She is 15 months old and had two open heart surgeries before her 1st birthday. Today she is thriving and doing well. You can’t tell she has a heart defect. I emailed you about her blog and such. Just know that I would love to be a support and to answer any questions I can. Any surgery, let alone heart surgery, is scary. I will continue to pray for your family and hope all turns out well!

  73. Kim says:

    I just came upon this from the Digital Scrapbooking Google+ group. My heart just breaks to hear of your sons heart problems. I’ll definitely be picking up a couple of your kits at P&Co. We’re still paying for mine and my son’s medical bills from his delivery, so I know how burdensome those may be.
    Praying for your son and his surgeon and complete healing!

  74. Jill says:

    I am such a fan of your designs! I will totally be shopping for more product this weekend and be looking for other opportunities to help! Good luck, God Bless, and I’ll definitely be thinking of you!

  75. val says:

    Sending you love and strength.xoxox


  76. Jan in Alberta says:

    Mye… What a mixed blessing you’ve received. A beautiful and deeply loved little boy – with an unexpectedly imperfect heart. 30 years ago I was in your shoes, almost exactly in them. If you’ve seen any of my layouts, you know the outcome of my son’s story.
    You might not know that I have been working as a registered nurse in a pediatric cardiovascular ICU for the last 10 years. I’ve cared for literally hundreds of children who have had surgeries on their hearts. Believe me when I tell you that although having surgery earliest will be the best thing for Alphonse, it’s not true that he won’t survive if he has to wait a bit. It may make his condition a little more complicated but he will still recover well. He will need follow-up for life and may need another surgery to repair or replace a valve when he’s older, but he will have a normal life. Babies are incredibly resilient and we could all learn from them. While you’re consumed with worry for your precious baby, don’t forget to look after yourselves too! Eat regular meals, get enough sleep, get some exercise and spend some time with your girls. You’ll all come through the better for it.

    I’ll think of all of you often in the next weeks, and include your family in my prayers. I’ve sent a little gift to help with the costs. Stay strong.


  77. Edna says:

    Oh my goodness Mye. I am so sorry to hear about this. I can feel the pain you and your husband are feeling right now. Praying for you, your husband and especially Alphonse that you will all get through this. I am sick right now so I can’t go out. May I suggest that you have a donation link or something? Maybe like what Amy is suggesting. Where do we send money Mye? We don’t have much either but I really like to help. I am really so sorry for this Mye. Wish I could give you a hug. Would you mind if I spread this on facebook? or anywhere in digiland?

  78. Soco says:

    Oh Mye! What a wonderful and beautiful baby boy! I’m so sorry he’s going through this difficult beginnings! I’ll be praying for him, for you and your family and I’m sure everything will go well and Alphonse will grow healthy and strong! I’ll spread the word and I’ll be happy to help! Sending you all my thoughts, strength and courage!

  79. Carina says:

    Oh dear Mye – I´m so sorry to read about all of this! I´ve know your designs for quite some time now and I really feel that I want to do something for you! I´m gonna support shop at your store and share this on my blog and Facebook, hoping that it will help you in some way.Praying for the best for you and your family – ((((hugs))))

  80. Cari says:

    Mye,I want to send you a big hug! I know it is so hard to find this out right after your son’s birth. I went through something similar with one of my twin boys. Even after all the ultrasounds I had, we didn’t know there was a problem until after he was born. He had a very stiff valve (stenosis), the valve that leads to the lungs. Similar to your son. He was almost 3 months old when he had surgery, not open heart — but angioplasty to make the valve open further. He did very well, but it was worse than they thought, but they did correct it. He did have to go to the cardiologist a lot in the beginning, but it wasn’t so bad when we got the news that everything was looking good.
    But I wanted to give you hope because today he is 10. He only has to go back every 3 years now to be checked and has not had any issues at all. He plays football and hockey. I still do worry, but I trusted his doctors fully to do the right thing and that made it easier for me!
    I hope you find a strength to get you through this tough time and I will be praying for you and your little guy!

  81. Cindy says:

    Prayers being said! I hope everything turns out wonderful for your little prince! And I will go do some shopping. :O)

  82. Diana says:

    I have given you a small donation. I wish it could be more.


  83. Jessica says:

    I am a fellow designer and I wanted you to know that I was born with Tetrology of Fallot. I had my heart problems correcedt when I was a very small child and I am now 34 years old and pregnant with my second son. I’m telling you this because I want you to know someone who is happy and healthy and living with Tetrology of Fallot and maybe it will give you a small sense of relief for just a moment.Your son and your family will be in my thoughts and I wish him a speedy and full recovery.

  84. Denise Gebara says:

    I just visited the store and picked some designs. I hope it helps and my prayers go with you.

  85. Ann says:

    My heart is breaking for you. My daughter also had a heart murmur when she was born. We were lucky enough to have everything work itself out in a day or two, nothing like your story, but I know the fear and anxiety you must be feeling. I am happy to help out with what little contribution I can. I love to scrapbook so off to your store I go. I wish you and your family all the best and will keep your little baby boy in my thoughts and prayers.

  86. Brenda says:

    I hope you know we are all praying for you. If there is anything I can do on my end, I will help as much as possible. You know where to find me. 🙂

  87. Chickie says:

    Oh, sweet girl, I am so sorry to hear this. Your darling little boy is in my prayers. I have sent a donation through PayPal. Big hugs to you , Alphonse and the rest of your family. I think that the gofundme.com is a good idea too! They also have it so you can link up to FB. God bless you!
    Chickie <3

  88. Joan says:

    I hope everything works out for you and your son and family, I will keep you in my prayers and I will direct debit to your paypay, what I can afford to donate.
    Hugs and best of wishes

  89. […] child? A new member of the family! Another bundle, another baby that will complete your family. Mye, though her pregnancy was unexpected, was filled with joy and excitement,specially that they will […]

  90. Tessah says:

    I hope you and your family get enough help you need to send this beautiful baby to the surgery room. Sending you positive vibes.
    I saw your design blog and I must admit, YOU ROCK! I might ask your help for some logo and blog design in the future.

    Love and Peace,

  91. Enzo says:

    just sent very small amount. here’s hoping it would somehow help.
    God bless you.

  92. cherry/rc gweniful says:

    praying for your son. i know you’ll get through this. sent a little something. hope it helps.

  93. Alanna says:

    Congratulations Mye on having a precious little baby boy.I am so sorry to hear abbout Alphonse heart condition but thankfully surgery can be done. I cant imagine what you and your family are going through but know it would be so scary. You are in my thoughts and I am praying for you, your family and Alphonse . Stay strong my dear, big hugs and god bless xoxo

  94. Hi Mye,
    My heart goes out to you. I know it’s hard to be in your situation but I know God is good and for sure you will pass all this trials. Please send me through my email on other options of how I can send some amount. My paypal account seems not to be working this time. Thanks and GOD BLESS YOU. Will pray for you and your son.

  95. […] child? A new member of the family! Another bundle, another baby that will complete your family. Mye, though her pregnancy was unexpected, was filled with joy and excitement,specially that they will […]

  96. Anne says:

    I just found this from FB and read your post about your little boy, I just sent a little and I hope it could help. stay strong everything will be in place.

  97. Tracy says:

    Hi Mye,I wasn’t sure if you would be checking your email, so I wanted to post here to let you know that I emailed you. Praying for your precious baby.

  98. Blanca says:

    Your family are in my prayers…

  99. Nita says:

    Sorry to hear about your little boy. Will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and kisses to your boy. Oh, his name reminds me of my cousin named Alphonse 🙂

  100. Teresa says:

    My heart goes out to you and your little boy, Mye. Will definitely be shopping in your store. Sending prayers for your family for a successful surgery and recovery. Thank you for sharing his story with all of us.

  101. Felis says:

    Oh, dear Mye! Believe! Believe in good result! We will pray and will send love to your family!I’m totally crashed! I’m housewife and can’t help you with nothing, I’m so sorry! Will try to share with other people, but do not have many friends. In my country is practise parents to hypothec their house, also woman tv show help to find donation, or text message line for donation, check for this option in your area.
    We will pray! Everything will be fine, just believe!

  102. Carolyn says:

    My prayers are with you and your precious little boy. I just went shopping at your store and hope this helps in a small way. Hugs and Prayers, Carolyn

  103. Aprilisa says:

    Oh, Mye. My heart is breaking when I read the news :(. I follow you and your pregnancy through instagram. Few days back I was just thinking that you may have delivered the baby by now. I hope you are able to raise the money you need . Good bless him and your family

  104. Alison says:

    I just made a donation to your Paypal address. I heard about your situation from your fellow designer Kelleigh on Facebook. My best friend in the world had the same heart condition. Hers was repaired when she was 4 years old. She just had her 42nd birthday and is as healthy as can be. The surgery can be an amazing success. When I read your family’s story, I felt I had to help. I discussed it with my husband, and his immediate thought was to double the amount I was thinking of donating. Please use it for Alphonse’s surgery with our blessings and best wishes.
    We pray for all of you, for strength, healing and God’s blessings upon your family.


  105. Lori B says:

    Mye, stay strong, and soon that baby will be strong too!

  106. Julie says:

    You and your husband chose your beautiful new baby’s name well: Alphonse means “Noble, ready to do battle”. And he is, and you are. I’ll help spread the word around, and see if I can donate a little bit, too. I have faith that he’ll be fine. Big virtual hugs sent your way, Mye, for you and your family! (gentle ones for Alphonse)

  107. Kimberley says:

    What a precious gift you have been given! The hardest thing as a Mother is seeing your child sick and not being able to just “kiss it and make it better”. Before I was born, I had a sister who was born with a severe heart defect. Sadly, in the late 1950’s there wasn’t the technology we have today, and there was nothing they could do for her except to love her. She lived 9 months before she “got her wings” and flew to Heaven where she is watching over us. I was born 4 months later and never got to meet my sister, but she has had a definite impact on my life. My prayers are with you and your precious Alphonse, and I believe my sister Cynthia is a guardian Angel watching over him and giving him comfort.

  108. Nancy says:

    You are such a sweet woman and I feel for your family going though this agony and stress. It sounds like your little son is in wonderful hands. I did a little shopping and come back later after I see which kits of yours I already have to see if I can so more………….blessed be…..

  109. Paula says:

    Oh, Mye… heartbreaking news about your new little one. I know you and your family are terribly upset right now, and probably in a little bit of shock as well. You will get through this and soon it will all be in the past and you’ll be enjoying that baby boy as he grows and learns all about his new family and world!
    Since I’ve purchased most of your sets while you were at DHD, I’m just going to make a donation. At this time, it will have to be a small one, I wish I could do more. Take very good care of yourself right now, so you can be your best for him. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  110. DitaB says:

    Hi Mye,first time – sorry for my English but I must to write you some words …
    Three years ago, 3 December 2009, was born our twins – son Matyáš and daughter Kristýna. Normal pregnancy, natural childbirth in 38+0, Matyáš was 3.4 kg and 48 cm, Kristýna 2.58 kg and 48 cm. The day after the birth came pediatrician that Matyáš has a heart murmur and took him to a specialized clinic. Diagnosis: aortic stenosis. When he was 19 days, underwent valvuloplasty. Since it is regularly monitored and is amazing. Does everything, like its twin – sometimes more :o) Mye, I know it will soon be better, although it now does not seem so. I´m with you and with your Alphonse. I will help as I can

    Dita from the Czech Republic and from the MScraps CT team

  111. Hi Mye, when is the operation? where ? Maybe I can ask someone to help with the operation as well. Pls PM me if yo can.

  112. Mye, my heart bleeds for you and my prayers will be for you, your family and your little man. I have a suggestion. I know other designers (Studio Royanne) have put their whole store on sale for a single price and have been able to raise quite a bit of money quickly. You may consider doing that as well.

  113. carizza chua says:

    this is so heartbreaking but pls stay strong for your baby. We, in the blogging industry will do our best to help and spread this news. We all wish your baby strength and fast recovery. Will pray for him. God bless!

  114. Nice says:

    i’ll be praying for your little prince sis… i also shared your blog post to all the blogging groups in my facebook account. stay strong and trust in the Lord…

  115. MommyLES says:

    I just made a donation, it’s not much but I hope it helps. I also had a congenital heart disease (ASD), I discovered it way too late..I was already 24yrs old when I had an open heart surgery…I know that your baby will be well soon..be strong and God bless..

  116. Leanne says:

    I just read your story Mye and my heart bleeds for you and your family. I do believe though that things will come right for you all. I am unable to donate at this time but never underestimate the power of prayers. Take care – I look forward along with everyone else to joyful news in the near future..

  117. Raya says:

    Mye, I am so sorry about your little prince. Please know that we will be praying and I will be sending help directly to your account. It may not be this week, though.. probably next week. Hang in there. God sees, and He hears!

  118. Goog says:

    I sent a small amount to your PayPal account. I hope it helps!

  119. […] may not personally know sis Mye but my heart and prayer goes out to her family and her baby. I pray for healing, for miracle, for […]

  120. ((HUGS)) Sharing your post and will buy something to help out as well!Kas

  121. Suzie (mum2gnt) says:

    OMG Mye…………oh hun. Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am so sad for you having to go through all this. Hun modern technology is amazing and little “A” will be absolutely fine. Like lots above me, my lovely BFF was born with a hole in her heart. She has a cool groovy scar now, at 44 years old, and is fine. You would never know. For that reason I would like to donate but also as you are a friend and this story just breaks my heart. I don’t have much money and struggle some weeks, but this cause is far more important than everyday stuff. $50. I am sorry it’s not more.Don’t cry anymore. He will be saved for sure. Savour these newborn moments instead.
    All the very very best hun and biggest hugs to you all.
    Love and best wishes
    Suzie (mum2gnt)

  122. An says:

    how sad is this, I hope everything will be okay and I will pray for you, your baby and your family that it will be, I wish you all the strength you need to get through this! I hope your son get through the surgery and recovery as well as mine did with his!I bought something in your story before I saw your paypal adress here, not a lot, but as much as I could now.

  123. Mara says:

    Hi Mye. Your little Alphonse is precious. I am thinking of you and your family.Much love and prayers

  124. Nikki says:

    I am so sorry for your heartache, I too share your pain. My daughter has a combination of very rare brain malformations called Lissencephaly and Polymicrogyria. We never imagine that these situations could happen to us. The pain and the fear they bring seems like it will never end, but the love, the joy and the strength they bring is what you must hold onto. Stay strong Mama, you have many of us out here pulling for you and your precious little one. Unfortunately with my family being in a similar situation and my husband losing his job, I cannot give you much myself. & that breaks my heart. But I will do everything I can to help get this story to more people who hopefully can, and I will try to at least make some purchases at your shop.

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Nikki, I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter too. It’s very hard for a parent to see their children suffering. Thank you so much for supporting us.

  125. Vrtule says:

    Hi, I´m Jitka from the Czech Republic and I´m here because of DitaB (her comment is up from mine). She told us about you and your little baby..My fingers are crossed and I hope that you´ll collect the money ASAP and everything will be OK.
    And now, I´m going to buy your kit Rules of the Road and Bratinella alpha.
    God bless you and your family!

  126. Minoush says:

    These are shocking news! I just sent you a little bit via Paypal. Hope you will get enough to cure your little prince! I think of you.

  127. Word to came to our site ScrapArtStudio.com from one of our Designers Bobita thru her other shop’s owner Joyce at MScraps. First wanted to say our Prays are with you little one! We plan on donating all our $ from our Charity kits and giving to this worthy cause this month. I have also asked our designers to get together and make a callab to sell also to donate $ for.Love and hugs, Cilenia

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Thank you so much, Cilenia. I appreciate it so much!

    • scrappingramma says:

      CileniaPlease let us know when the charity kit is available–we will spread the word everywhere
      you can send me an email

      Hugs Mye–be strong Mye for your little prince
      we are all praying for all of you

  128. Mona Lisa Kent says:

    My daughter was born with the same diagnosis, I will pray for your son to be healed.

  129. Kelly R says:

    You and your family are in my prayers…

  130. […] December 27, the prince they have been waiting for, arrived! To say Mye’s family was overjoyed is an understatement! But their joy soon turned into worries when they learned about […]

  131. Mary says:

    I am so sorry!!!! I am an Labor and Delivery nurse, and I do seen this often and babies respond well to the surgery and grow up big and strong. Your baby is beautiful and strong. But there is nothing you cannot overcome with God and prayers and you and your family are in mine. I bought from the store today and will continue to ck back over the month to buy more. Blessed be and go with God

  132. Ashley - Embracing Beauty says:

    I’m praying for you and I’ll do my best to spread the word to others for you! God bless!!

  133. […] know more about Alphonse and how you can help, please go to Mye’s blog HERE. I hope you find it in your good heart to help in any way you can, or at the very least spread the […]

  134. Amber says:

    Mye, I’m praying for you and your family, especially little Alphonse. I just sent a donation to your Paypal account and I just know that he is going to be OK. He’s a lucky little boy to have such a loving family already and I’m praying for him to have a long, happy, and healthy life ahead of him. *hugs*

    • Ellen says:

      welcome to the world little one, your start may be a struggle but you’ll come out stronger at the end.You and your family are in my prayers Mye and sending lots of positive vibes and healing thoughts your way.We’ll spread the word in digiland and no doubt your cry for help will be taken up and answered. Take care of yourself too!

  135. Edeline says:

    I am so sorry for what happen to your baby Mye. It must be hard for you and your family now..I am personally praying for your little baby. Be Strong and dont give up on HOPE & BELIEVE !!

  136. LorieM says:

    Very sad news, hope things will turn ok with your little angel Alphonse.Prayers for your little baby. Be strong Mye.

  137. Hang in there sis and keep praying! Will send some love on the first week of Feb. Praying for your family. God bless you all, most especially the little one.

  138. Felis says:

    Mye, I send you some information that probably can be helpful yesterday. I’m not sure do you check more your e-mail or here.

  139. Mye, sweetie, all the best for a successful operation and a speedy recovery of your little darling!! I shopped a little today, I hope you will have great sales and great help from many people in the digi world, to help you get the money needed for your little boy’s surgery!!I will keep you in my prayers, good luck and stay strong! You are not alone!
    Big hugs, Feli

  140. Tami says:

    I’m so sorry for the news about your new son. I have sent a donation to your email address through paypal. It’s not much but I hope it helps. Take care of yourself and him. Tamara Anderson

  141. Jen says:

    I saw this over on the Oscraps forum. I think you are a fabulous designer and I have admired you for awhile. I read the whole story. Just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers and thanks for posting your direct paypal info. I made a donation. ;D {{hugs}}

  142. Janice says:

    First off, congratulations, Mye on the new arrival of your son. I know you must be worried, but I hope that everything gets a little easier. There was a co-worker that I had who’s son had open heart surgery and although he has to watch himself, he grew up to be a wonderful healthy person (graduated from college last I heard). I hope this is the result and that the surgery is a success. I’ll go shop in your store, you know I love your products. *HUGS**

  143. dawn inskip says:

    I am so sorry to read this news Mye – he’s adorable. Where there’s life, there’s hope – be strong. Thinking of you

  144. kelseyll says:

    Congratulations to you and your family for a new baby boy! God has given you this blessing and if you trust in Him He will see you through this!! I am praying for your family and for little baby Alphonse. I have made a donation to your Paypal and might have to check out your sales too! =) I send hugs and look forward to the post declaring the surgery was a success and Alphonse will be just fine!! XOXO Lisa (kelseyll @ SM)

  145. devine says:

    hi mommy mye.. nice ur post many friends her is cant help u… u know i have child his running dis year 5 years old,, sorry if i’m not fluent or perfect my english.. my son have a asd since birth but i’l give a medicine only like lanoxin and furusemide every day 2 times, his very smart boy,,,, u know i’m scared to surgery dat ‘s why,that time his very small baby dats why i’l choice the medicine only to take him everyday, now his strong already but still hoping this year to open heart ” the operation is very high risk to our’s setuation because i cannot explain the feelings ….u are mother me too..
    very hard..
    goodluck for ur son girl.

  146. Cherry says:

    Sis, be strong, I know that the Lord will help you and your little baby. You’re family is in my prayer.

  147. Amanda says:

    OH, Mye, your baby did nothing to “deserve” this. It is just part of an imperfect world. DH and I are praying for you all, and that you will see great grace and favor in the whole situation. May the doctors do no more and no less than exactly what is needed. And may you and your husband find peace that passes all understanding in His presence. ♥

  148. Arlene says:

    Hello Mai, I am saddened by this but don’t lose hope, your baby prince will recover.
    I will private message you at Facebook

  149. Nancy says:

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby, and I am confident you will get the funds you need and your baby will soon be strong and healthy. I struggle from paycheck to paycheck but am blessed to be able to provide what my family needs on payday. On this coming payday, I feel honored to share some of our blessings with your family as well. Friday can’t come fast enough!

  150. Julie says:

    Mye, I’m so sorry to read this, I understand just how you feel and the shock of the news. My 4th child was a normal pregancy and birth and then at 36 hours old, I had Doctors and Surgeons standing in my room telling me the things they had to do to save his life. I remember just sitting there in a daze and thinking ‘but what happened to my healthy baby boy” it took a while for me to digest what they were saying, but the next day he had an operation, just to keep him going and over the next year he had many, long and scarry ones, but today he is 29 YO and healthy and a Dad as well. I hope it all goes well for you and your family and I am thinking of you and praying that your son grows up as healthy as mine did.I don’t have much but I will help any way that I can.

    • Mye De Leon says:

      Julie – thank you for sharing your story with me. I really really need a lot of words of encouragement and hearing these success stories (like yours) give me more hope.

  151. Blagovesta Gosheva says:

    I’m so so sorry… I’ll pray for your little baby and for you!

  152. Ruby Benz says:

    This is really sad..will keep on praying for your family sis..have faith and be strong..God is with you and your family esp. baby Alphonse

  153. Sent you a little something to help towards the hospital bills.
    Will keep you and your family in my heart.

    Luv Chris

  154. Cynthia says:

    You are in my prayers. My nephew at 46 still has a hole in his heart. He some how got into the service and became a special force soldier (Ranger) eventually left the service and now flies helicopters. So you see there are great things one can do when we take care of our health and your son will be able to do even more because he can have this surgery now…..will do what I can to help……..God Bless…Cynthia

  155. Kat says:

    Sorry but I don’t know how PayPal works but I want to help. Any bank acct we could directly deposit? I am assuming you’re from Phils?
    Prayers sent your way as well..

  156. Tiffany says:

    Best of luck. I’m praying for Alphonse and your family every night.

  157. […] You can help this baby by contributing to this campaign. Read more about his story in his mom’s blog – http://myedeleon.showitbinary.wpengine.com/2013/01/an-innocent-heart/ […]

  158. Rovie says:

    Praying for your baby and for the whole family Mye. Just keep the faith.

  159. My heart goes out to you and your family. I’ll be thinking of him.

  160. Vicki says:

    I am keeping your, your family and your precious little Alphonse in my prayers. I tried to help spread the word and hope and pray you get the money needed for his surgery. Blessings and peace.

  161. Ruth Melody says:

    My heart and prayer goes out to you and your family, Mye. Stay strong and be Faith!! Hugs…

  162. Judith says:

    Heart surgery is scary, but God gave this to you for a reason, not as a punishment, but as a gift. On the hard days, sometimes this will be difficult to grasp, but have faith, God is good.I am not just saying this because I have great faith and trust in God, but because I have two children with special needs, one has had two open heart surgeries and a third scheduled for this summer. I have seen my oldest child, whom all the doctors told me not to expect too much from, reach heights I probably wouldn’t have expected from a teenager without a disability. So, listen to the doctors, but also, listen to your heart…Love your child, love him hard, love him soft, and love him through it all…{{Hugs}}

  163. Diane Howard says:

    So sorry to hear about your little guy. God is gracious and honors all prayers. I am praying for him and your family. I shopped my little heart out at your store. It isn’t much but I will always think of your little boy when I am using those kits and smears. God bless you.

  164. […] child? A new member of the family! Another bundle, another baby that will complete your family. Mye, though her pregnancy was unexpected, was filled with joy and excitement,specially that they will […]

  165. […] She create it to raise funds to help a little bear that has an heart problem! […]

  166. Maribeth says:

    Got something from Pixels & Company. I hope it could help even just a little. I’ll pray for little Alphonse.

  167. Marilyn says:

    I read about your darling little boy and his early troubles. I just contributed a little something to you. Medical bills can be so overwhelming. May you and your family overcome this bump in the road, and my hopes and wishes for baby Alphonse to be a happy, healthy baby soon!

  168. […] Please, a child is depending on all we can do as a community to save his life.. More of their story can be found on An Innocent heart. […]

  169. Vicki says:

    i just sent small amount to your pay.pal for your little prince… hugs & prayers …

  170. Melissa says:

    My heart goes out to you – we will be praying!

  171. […] Hello! It’s Monday again… oh my, how the time flies! I spent last week creating my part to a huge charity kit to help raising money for a fellow designer Mye de Leon’s newborn baby who needs a heart surgery. Currently it is not decided how it will be sold as there is a lot of designers contributing and the kit itself would count in Gigabytes! But I’ll keep you informed! If you haven’t heard about Mye yet, you can read her story here. […]

  172. Jennifer says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, Mye! As a mother of 4, I can only imagine how frightening such an ordeal would be. Would love to know how you are doing, how close you are to funding the surgery, etc. I am about to go check out some digi goodies & I always love your stuff so I have no doubt I will find a few things I can’t do without. 🙂

  173. Linda (larkd) says:

    My thoughts are with you. I’ve made a donation at PayPal. It’s not much, but hopefully will help. Best of luck to you, your family and most of all, Alphonse.

  174. Marie says:

    Sending virtual hugs to you and your little one. (sent something to help with a well). Prayers, Marie

  175. […] child? A new member of the family! Another bundle, another baby that will complete your family. Mye, though her pregnancy was unexpected, was filled with joy and excitement,specially that they will […]

  176. […] For more information on Alphonse’s journey, please visit Mye’s blog: http://myedeleon.showitbinary.wpengine.com/2013/01/an-innocent-heart/ […]

  177. Maria says:

    Praying for you son <3

  178. […] colleague of mine, Mye De Leon, posted about her baby, Alphonse. You can read the full story on her blog. I wanted to donate to help, but thought, can I do more? With the help of my friends and owners of […]

  179. Renee S says:

    Where are you from? I am a public health nurse, maybe I can help you find funding for your little one!

  180. Jenn Groves says:

    Hi- I received your post through a friend and I am so sad to hear. My daughter has surgery at 7 months 1 week old to correct a premature closure of the sutures in her head (craniosynostosis). It was a correctible surgery and had to be done. Here we are 6 years later and she is a happy, healthy and beautiful little (big) girl enjoying her kindergarten year at school! As I braided her hair today, I am always mindful to hide the scar but I also don’t mind the reminder of what she and we went through and how strong she is. She just doesn’t no how strong she was! You will get through th is and remember that no matter how hard it is to hand him over to the surgeons, you are doing what HAS to be done and FOR him. I truly believe doctors are miracle workers!!! Best to you and your family, my thoughts are with you!

  181. Amanda says:

    Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! I’ve spread the word about your need and we are sending prayers your way… and of course doing some shopping:) May God bring you peace through this ordeal and Bless you with a fabulous outcome – Hugs!

  182. […] also wanted to share the wonderful collab that has been made to raise money for Mye De Leon’s infant son, Alphonse. Due to how the medical system works in their country, they need to raise over $12,000 in just a […]

  183. christy says:

    Oh goodness I am so sorry to read this, I just saw a post about your darling baby boy, Financially right now I am unable to help you BUT I will post this on my Forum asap, My husband and I lost our only daughter on Oct 17th 2012 (she was 27 years old) It has completely devestated us. It was unexpected. Please know my heart and my prayers are with youchristy

  184. Bard Judith says:

    Just got here via digitalscrapbookingstudio and read your story. Now popping over to Pixels & Co and browsing your designs. How could I not buy ‘A Mother’s Heart’, on top of the other lovely products of yours that called my personal digital muse’s name? I hope that you’ll meet your fundraising goal as soon as is feasible for the surgery to take place, and pray that healing and blessing will also be poured out on your family. Love from all the way over the ocean (South Korea); Judy

  185. Lynne says:

    I am not a designer, but I do a lot of digital scrapbooking. I read about your baby through Digital scrapbooking Studio. I have a granddaughter who is 5 months old and is the light of our lives. I can’t even imagine what we do if she was in the same circumstance as your little Alphonse. I can’t imagine the pain you and your family are going through. I am a pharmacist that has worked in hospitals for 20 years and the surgeries they do on kids these days are amazing and are very successful. Your baby is beautiful and I am sure that he will soon be healed. I sent a donation through paypal and my prayers will be with you and your family.

  186. Sharon Kay says:

    So sorry to hear about little Alphonse. He and your family are in my prayers. I am headed to the shop to buy the special collab. Keep strong.

  187. […] child? A new member of the family! Another bundle, another baby that will complete your family. Mye, though her pregnancy was unexpected, was filled with joy and excitement,specially that they will […]

  188. jenni says:

    I’ll put your and your baby on my prayer list…So fantastic he is safely here even though he has another hurdle. You’ll get through it, because you do…and i will add my prayers to many of the prayers here.Father God,
    You know each and every one of us inside and out. I pray for Mye and her husband and their family; esp. this little prince. I pray you will heal him, help them through this, and i pray that all will go well so they can quickly pay for the surgery. I pray you will meet their needs, and that you will bless them with joy in the midst of understandably being scared, and wanting all to go well. I pray for strength and wisdom of the docs, and that you will bring your special presence to this situation. I speak peace to Mye and her Husband, and that they will know you are with them and that there are many of us pulling for them here.

  189. emipoca says:

    I have a lot of thinking for you and your little guy, and all your family

  190. […] Alphonse De Leon was born on December 27, 2012. Unlike any other babies, he was barely crying when he got out. The doctors informed his family that Alphonse has a congenital heart disorder called Tetralogy of Fallot – there is a hole in his lower heart chambers causing him to not have enough oxygenated blood in his lungs and body. You can read more about Alphonse on Mye’s blog. […]

  191. Shengkay says:

    as I mention in our PM mommy i know the feeling..ako after 5days thats when I learn about the murmur sa heart ni Iris..yeah..it was really heartbreaking especially that I am alone – singlemom here 🙂 and i was having an issue with my “sperm donor” ;P parang hindi ko alam ang gagawin..all I know is I have to be strong kasi ako lang meron si Iris. Pero yung sa baby ko naman na case Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) and there is chance that the hole will eventually gone as she grow up. But during our Annual check up when she turns two..bad news kasi instead na magheal ito..mas worse..there is leak na in her valve and need surgery..good thing hindi naman urgent..the pedia cardio just told us that Iris should undergo the heart surgery before she turns 3..max is wag na paabutin ng 2014 or else her condition will worsen.
    So i know the feeling..don’t wory mommy mye GOD will provide Alphonse need. GOD bless to your family. kaya natin to! 🙂

  192. Jennyfer says:

    Your story is so heart breaking and it’s not easy to hear that from your doctors that your sweet newborn has to undergo surgery. I can empathise with you since my son also had a small murmur and thank goodness it has closed after a year. I cannot imagine what you have to undergo but be brave. My prayers for little Alphonse and to your family. God Bless!

  193. Melissa says:

    I will be praying for you and your family. Having a heart baby is struggle and a blessing that you will never wish away. Our heart baby changed us and grew us in ways we never could have expected. Enjoy every minute you have with your prince. Each is a gift from God!

  194. joyce says:

    I too was born with tetralogy of fallot, i had an open heart surgery when i was 11 yrs old, i’m now 30yrs old married and now also a mom. I just want to say that do not lose hope, your son is a strong fighter and he will get through this and will live a happy and healthy normal life, i will pray for his recovery every day.

  195. […] Ein gutes Beispiel für ein Charity Kit, das noch bis zum 31. Januar angeboten wird, ist “An Innocent Heart” von über 100 Designern mit beinahe 1.5 GB Größe, das Mye de Leon zugute kommt, deren Baby sich bald einer Herzoperation unterziehen muß, und für die in der Digiscrap Gemeinde Geld gesammelt wird. Wer sich hier beteiligen möchte, kann das Kit bei MScraps und Pixels & Company kaufen (wo Mye auch ihre Designs verkauft). Wer einfach nur helfen möchte, kann auch Geld direkt spenden. Infos hierzu findet ihr auf Myes Blog. […]

  196. Erlaine says:

    Don’t lose hope, be strong and keep on praying. We will also pray for your son. God is powerful and almighty. Sending a little help. God bless!

  197. Gail Wilde says:

    My prayers are with you. Even though I can’t spend much, I did get an add-on kit. Your story brings back such memories. In the summer of 1976, my twins were born early. One of them was in a coma for 5 days before we could bring him home. It took us years to pay it all off and I do NOT want you to have to face such a financial ordeal. Our little twin didn’t just wake up from his coma, he became a staff sergeant in the USMC and a poet.

  198. Azza says:

    Hi Mye! How is baby Alphonse doing? I hope he’s getting better. Sending blessings and positive energy your way. *Hugs*

  199. […] good friend Mye, announced to us last year that they will have a new baby, although it was unplanned, they […]

  200. […] brand new baby boy who needs immediate, life-saving heart surgery. You can read the entire story on Mye’s Blog, but more importantly, you can help by purchasing one or both of the special collaborative kits […]

  201. […] super huge, super awesome, MEGA COLLAB for Mye De Leon is now on sale. Grab it while you can… Almost 1.5 GB (from over 100 designers) for only […]

  202. […] was the truth. And it was the reason why he had a congenital heart disease. It was the reason why he had to undergo surgery at an early age. It was the reason why he has a […]

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I'm a mom with a desire to give the best for her family and turned a lettering hobby into a multi6-figure business. These days, I eat strategy for breakfast and turn other businesses into successful empires.

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